Supergrass Ad 1979


Supergrass Ad from February 1979 High Times.

1 in stock


Supergrass Ad 1979Full color 8″ x 10 3/4″ ad for their kit that will allow you to grow your own top-quality pot. Each kit contains 1) Cultivator’s Handbook with step-by-step instructions, 2) Automatic watering system, 3) Soil thermometer, 4) Moisture indicator, 5) Westinghouse Agro-Grow lighting system with automatic timer, 6) Colchicine Soak package, 7) Distilled water and 8) Organic fertilizer. The text gets technical about what cannabis is and the coupon offers 2 Plant Closet Pkg for $72.95, a 6 Plant Reg Pkg. for $124.95, a 24 Plant Gorilla Pkg for $249.95 and an Agro lighting system for $28.75.

Source:  February 1979 High Times.