Sunshine Ad 1937


Sunshine Ad from April 1937 Good Housekeeping.

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Sunshine Ad 1937Full color 7 3/4″ x 11 1/2″ ad for their Krispy Crackers with a mention of their Rippled Wheat Breakfast Food. The majority of the ad is devoted to the Krispy Crackers and has a drawing of four stout Bakers who have lined the crackers from a single box up and have run a tape measure along the length. The Baker who is standing nearest the business end of the tape measure is saying “Look!…More than a yard of Krispy Crackers in this Pound Package” while another one declares that “That’s economy … without sacrificing quality.”. The text reasons that this is enough “to feed your family for days” and that “you get about seven of them per penny”. An asterisk in the ad explains that these are “Known in Texas as Saltine Krispy Crackers. The bottom part of the ad is devoted to “The Most Unusual Breakfast Food you ever tasted!” which is their Rippled Wheat Breakfast Food. The text claims that it “makes the most tempting toast you’ve ever tasted” and that it is “always ready to use as a base for poached eggs, rarebits and creamed chicken”. There is an offer of a Free recipe book containing 24 Different Ways to use this product.

Source:  April 1937 Good Housekeeping.