Sunbeam Ad 1938


Sunbeam Ad from March 14, 1938 Life magazine.

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Sunbeam Ad 1938Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the Sunbeam Shavemaster. This ad has a picture of a middle-aged man talking to two older men at a table and he is reaching out and showing them a shaver and he is so excited that he says, “Men, it’s a honey – the one that gets down to business and does a job”. It then claims that “You hear it everywhere – from young and old alike – words of unbounded enthusiasm for Sunbeam Shavemaster. Whether it be the first shaves of the teen-aged schoolboy or those of a seasoned brush-and-lather veteran, Shavemaster has proved itself the answer to quick, close, comfort-shaving. It gives the kind of shaves men have been looking for in an electric shaver – and it does it RIGHT NOW – not next week or the one after. None Other Like It Shavemaster has a patented principle that is all its own – exclusive features different from all other electric shavers. It has greater, steady power that doesn’t swoon when a man-size beard comes along. Pass the comfortable, round shaving head over your face in any direction – no skill required. It gets all the whiskers all the time”.

Source:  March 14, 1938 Life magazine.