Studebaker Ad September 1941


Studebaker Ad from September 4, 1941 Life magazine.

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Studebaker Ad September 1941Studebaker Champion – Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for the “Lowest Priced Six Cylinder Sedans in America”. There is a picture of a Dark Colored Champion Custom Club Sedan being driven down the street as the lady driving talks to friends sitting by the roadside. The caption gives a price of $730 for this car delivered at the factory and mentions that a contrasting color belt could be added for $5 more. The ad claims these cars are “First in quality! First in style!” and that you will experience “Lower upkeep! Higher trade-in value!” and that you will save 10% to 25% on gas. The text mentions this car winning the Gilmore-Yosemite Sweepstakes for gas mileage and that prices for a Champion Business Coupe begin at $690, for a Champion Club Sedan with trunk at $730 and for a Champion Cruising Sedan with a trunk at $770. The ad, in a confusing statement, calls the Champion the “Only lowest price car with all these features” then lists an interesting array of features.

Source:  September 4, 1941 Life magazine.