Street Scene Magazine 2014 February


Street Scene Magazine 2014 February

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Contents:  Departments – Curbside; Write Of Way; Street Sweeper; Guest Editorial; Book Review; Car Art; 29 Below; Street Sale; NSRA Open Positions; Thy Rod; Legislative Scene; Safety First; New Products; Coming Events; Where Were You In…?; Ad Index Nationals News – Southwest (Oklahoma City, OK); Western (Bakersfield, CA); South (Knoxville, TN); Mid-America (Springfield, MO); North (Kalamazoo, MI); Northeast (Burlington, VT) Features – Fellow Pages (Sign up time is NOW); Car Feature (Dedication); 2013 Builders Showcase (Part 2); Street Scene Visits (March Performance); Car Feature (Faulkstone Flyer); 2014 Giveaway Car (The Frame and the Body Come Together); Details (Happy Rod, Happy Life); Road Tour (See the USA with the AMSOIL/Street Rodder Road Tour ’59 Chevrolet)

Issue:  February 2014

Condition:  Very Good