Street Rodding Illustrated Magazine 1982 Summer


Street Rodding Illustrated Magazine 1982 Summer

1 in stock


Contents:  1940 Chevy Convertible, 1933 Ford Sedan, Graveyard for Vintage Tin, 1940 Ford Coupe, 1929 Ford Sedan Delivery, 1929 Ford Sedan, 1934 Ford Coupe, 1934 Ford Coupe, 1923 Ford Roadster/Pickup, 1934 Ford Coupe, 1933 Ford Pickup, 1940 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery Events – Maryland Rod Roundup, Fremont Antique Drags, Burrito’s Run, Miami Show, Reno Run, Gary’s Picnic, Houston Show, The Turkey Run, The Amarillo Show, Cruisin’ The Jet Tech – Re-Wooding an Old G.M., Boxing Plates Departments – Mail Collector, New Products, Garage Scene USA, Tennessee, California, Alaska, Arizona, Massachusetts, Street Rodding Collector’s Index, Reader’s Rides, Editorial

Issue:  Summer 1982

Condition:  Very Good