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Stock Car Racing Magazine 1994 January


Stock Car Racing Magazine 1994 January


Contents:  Tim Richmond (In this excerpt from the book American Zoom, Hendrick Motorsports GM Jimmy Johnson reminisces about Tim Richmond’s cinematic life and tragic death); Little Car, Big Sponsor (John Pruitt’s deal dwarfs everything that’s come before it in dwarf car sponsorship); Miracle On The Mile (When Terrible Tobley crashed at Syracuse, a piece of pipe went right through the car, including the seat, with him still in it. How did it miss him?); Goodbye, Goober (Goober Scheidel never won a feature, yet he never lost hope) Technical – Boone Bound (Karl Fredrickson tries to keep up with the Speedway Motors guys as they prepare for the biggest IMCA modified race of the year); Traction Control (How much throttle is too much? This system can figure it out faster than your driver); Hoosier Radials (When Winston Cuup cars ran bias plies, Hoosier gave Goodyear a run for their money. Now they’re researching radials – and not just for Cup cars. They want to put them on your Saturday night cars, too); CNC Carbs (The same technology that allows precise duplication of cylinder heads has come to carb manufacturers) Competition – The IMCA Super Nationals (Some racers would rather be lucky than good. To win in a field of 193 cars, you have to be both); The Mello Yello 500 (Neither rule change nor faulty ignition nor phantom oil slick could keep Ernie Irvan from the swift completion of his appointed rounds); Syracuse (Brett Hearn knew he couldn’t outrun Dave Blaney. All he had to do was outlast him) Departments – Dick Berggren; Backfire; Richard Petty; Benny Phillips; Joyce Standridge; Bones Bourcier; Book Review; Making It In Racing; New Products; Results; 200 MPH Pit Stop; Racing On TV; Last Lap

Issue:  January 1994

Condition:  Very Good