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Sports Review Wrestling 1992 February


Sports Review Wrestling 1992 February


Contents:  Mailbag (Rude moves; Flair’s not fair’ Hennig’s a hero), The Tattler (Late news as of press time.), Straight Talk (Our most outspoken columnist shoots from the lip.), Locker Room Confidential (The HIV threat is a real concern to wrestling.), The Inquiring Reporter (Have the WWF and WCW gone too far with brutality?), Ask the Stars (Who are the top stars’ favorite stars in other sports.), Wrestling Scrapbook (A look at the sport through the eyes of history.), Matt Brock: Looking at Roddy Piper (Our veteran columnist examines the “Rowdy Scot”.), Point/Counterpoint (Is Ms. York’s computer an effective strategy tool), Wrestler of the Month (This issue we honor new WCW light heavy champion Brian Pillman.), Photo Spectacular! All the Horror and Honor of Halloween Havoc (An exclusive look at a chilling night of action!), Wrestling’s Top Stars: What 1992 Has in Store for Them (A look into what’s sure to be a big year.), Bret Hart vs Jim Neidhart: An Inevitable Tragedy (Neither will admit it, but it’s a match that must be made.), Sports Review Interview: Paul E. Dangerously (A wild discussion with the returning WCW manager.), Official Wrestling Ratings (The sports most respected ratings.), Ratings Analysis (A look at the tag team Top 10.)


Condition:  Very Good