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Sports Review Wrestling 1989 January


Sports Review Wrestling 1989 January


Contents:  Mailbag (Rocking ‘n’ Reeling; The Royal King; Tricks and Treats.), The Tattler (Late news as of press time.), Ask The Stars (What’s the hottest trend in wrestling today?), The Inquiring Reporter (Should Nikita Koloff once again trust his uncle Ivan?), We Accuse (Wrestling shouldn’t always be a family affair.), Wrestler of the Month (This issue we honor AWA TV champion Ronnie Garvin.), Point/Counterpoint (Should Oliver Humperdink be Bam Bam Bigelow’s manager?), Sports Review Interview: Jerry Lawler (A revealing discussion with the AWA World Champion.), AWA/World Class/CWA Spectacular: Exclusive Preview of Superclash III (Wrestling’s latest supercard promises first-rate excitement.), Special Section: Randy Savage’s Career in Pictures: The Early Years, The Molding of a Star, The Road to a Title, Savage Wins the WWF Belt, Championship Defenses, Dillon On One Side, You On The Other: Who Will Win the Tug-Of-War for Sting? (Will Sting stay loyal to his fans – or fall prey to the almighty dollar.), Sports Review Fantasy Special: Cheryl Leaves Jake For Rick (Imagine the turmoil is Cheryl Roberts left her husband for Rick Rude.), Ric Flair’s Toughest Battle: His Battle For Respect (He may be the NWA champion, but few hold Flair in high regard.), Official Wrestling Ratings (The sports most respected rankings.), Ratings Analysis (Charting former UWF stars, plus a new Florida promotion.)


Condition:  Very Good