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Sports Review Wrestling 1988 November


Sports Review Wrestling 1988 November


Contents:  Mailbag (A Eulogy; Honkymania; Bad Treatment.), The Tattler (Late news as of press time.), Ask The Stars (Are you better off with or without a manager.), The Inquiring Reporter (Who’s your favorite in the Freebird feud.), We Accuse (The federations should begin levying fines.), Wrestler Of The Month (This issue we honor Hulk Hogan.), Point/Counterpoint (Should Jesse Ventura be allowed to serve as referee.), Sports Review Interview: Bad Company (A frank discussion with AWA World tag champs Tanaka and Diamond.), Memo To All Wrestling Federations: Leave It To The Fans? You’ve Got To Be Kidding! (Putting big decisions in the hands of the fans is asking for trouble.), Special Section: The Great American Bash! Full Coverage of All The Action, Drama and Controversy (June 26, Orlando, Florida)(July 16, Greensboro, North Carolina)(July 10, Baltimore, Maryland)(July 23, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)(July 31, Detroit, Michigan), Honky Tonk Man vs. Brutus Beefcake: This Never Ending Feud Must End Now! (Their battles must end for the good of both wrestlers.), The Rock ‘N’ Roll Express Splits Up! Wjp’s To Blame? (The end of the famous tag team leads to a host of questions.), Kerry & Kevin Von Erich Look To The Future (After overcoming tragedy, it’s onward and upward for the brothers.), Official Wrestling Ratings (The sports most respected rankings.), Ratings Analysis (Ratings explanations plus Windy City rankings.)


Condition:  Very Good