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Sports Illustrated 2008 April 7


Sports Illustrated 2008 April 7


Sports Illustrated 2008 April 7Contents:  NCAA Tournament – The Four Tops (Four powerhouses, each with a uniquely skilled star, are set for a showdown.) Baseball – Going Hollywood (Reminders of New York abound for the new Dodgers manager, Joe Torre.) MLS Preview – Ready for Futbol? (The Fire’s Cuauhtemoc Blanco leads a new wave of attacking Latino talent.) Golf – Lee Elder’s Courage (He opened Augusta to blacks; 33 years later race is still an issue in the game.) Taylor Phinney – Life Cycles (The son of two of America’s most decorated riders, the 17-year-old has emerged as the next great U.S. prospect – and a source of inspiration to his father who is battling Parkinson’s.)

Cover:  Tyler Hansbrough

Condition:  Very Good