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Sports Illustrated 2002 January 14


Sports Illustrated 2002 January 14


Sports Illustrated 2002 January 14Contents:  The Lineup – Pro Football – In Control (Can Kordell Stewart lead the Steelers to a title? That’s just one of several big questions to be answered as the playoffs begin); Pro Basketball – Three’s A Charm (Michael Jordan is showing that he can still perform feats of magic – like turning the Wizards into winners); Hockey – Midseason Report (Only injuries or Olympic fatigue can keep the Red Wings, with nine future Hall of Famers, from winning the Stanley Cup); Baseball – Home Runner (Centerfielder Mike Cameron is a star in Seattle but loves being with the folks back home in small-town Georgia); Locker Room – Clubhouse Confidential (When a bunch of alpha males get together daily in a confined space, lots of things – good and bad – can happen) Departments – Leading Off; Letters; Catching Up With…; SI View (Steve Rushin’s Air and Space * The Week in TV Sports * Multimedia); Scorecard (Hot stove cookin’ * Perils of Anna * Stackhouse stacks up * Mia loves Nomar); Faces In The Crowd; The Life Of Reilly Inside… – The NFL; College Basketball; The NBA

Cover:  Michael Jordan

Condition:  Very Good