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Sports Illustrated 2001 October 8


Sports Illustrated 2001 October 8


Sports Illustrated 2001 October 8Contents:  The Lineup – Baseball – Pushing 70 (With the greatest slugging in recent memory, Barry Bonds was primed to break Big Mac’s record.) Hockey – Face-Off (A bullying alumnus built North Dakota a $100 million rink but tore its campus asunder) Pro Football – Re-Charged (With a jolt from Doug Flutie, San Diego is off to a 3-0 start and is the talk of the AFC.) Boxing – Worth the Wait (Bernard Hopkins capped his 13-year career with a stunning upset of Felix Trinidad.) NHL 2001-02 Preview – Brain Trust (The biggest stars usually have elevated hockey intelligence, a trait that more and more teams are looking for in their players.), Out of the Ice Age (In contrast to the stereotype, most NHL players aren’t dumb, toothless, beer-drinking brawlers.), Scouting Reports (An analysis of all the league’s 30 clubs finds that the aging Red Wings, who have added nonpareil goalie Dominik Hasek, are the team to beat.) Departments – Leading Off; Letters; SI View (Steve Rushin’s Air and Space * The Week in TV sports * Multimedia); Catching Up with…; Scorecard (Afghanistan in sports history * Big bucks for Bonds balls * Vick’s monster arm * Ex-boxer Snipe’s heroism); Faces In The Crowd; The Life Of Reilly Inside… – The NFL; College Football; Motor Sports

Cover:  Barry Bonds

Condition:  Very Good