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Sports Illustrated 2001 June 25


Sports Illustrated 2001 June 25


Contents:  The Lineup – NBA Finals – Double Dip (Just one question remains for the Lakers after their second straight title: Can their stars stay aligned long enough to get a third?) Baseball – Waiting Game (Coming to bat cold and chafing at second-string status, pinch hitters who must make the most of one big swing.) Golf – Back From The Dead (Fifteen years after being struck by lightning, Retief Goosen survived a near-fatal putting episode to win the U.S. Open.) College Football – Sweat Shopping (Though replete with NCAA violations, on-campus football camps have become bull markets for recruiters.) College Basketball – Your Lyin’ Eyes (You may think you can easily spot an NBA prospect, but a pro scout sees things you’re not even looking for.) Departments – Leading Off; Letters; SI View (Steve Rushin’s Air and Space * The Week in TV Sports * Multimedia); Catching Up With…; Scorecard (Debating dynastics * All-Star balloting not stellar * “It’s All Good” not so good * How to return Sampras’s serve); Faces In The Crowd; The Life Of Reilly Inside… – The NFL, Baseball, Soccer

Cover:  Shaq and Kobe

Condition:  Very Good