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Sports Illustrated 2001 July 2


Sports Illustrated 2001 July 2


Contents:  Baseball – Hubbub (The rolling Red Sox tuned out their manager but hung on to first) Pro Football – Jekyll & Hyde (Affable off the field, Saints All-Pro tackle Kyle Turley hasn’t made many friends on it) Where Are They Now – Mark Fidrych (In 1971 he flew into baseball, guileless and lovable. Twenty-five years later he’s the same rare bird); The Bad News Bears (Futility defined Hollywood’s likable young losers, but there was plenty of good news to come); Manute Bol (Once the NBA’s top shot-blocker, the Sudanese Sultan of Swat has tried to bring peace to his homeland); Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (It started out simply enough: one tryout, 100 women, five judges. Thank you for coming…); Wahoo McDaniel (He was once a flamboyant footballer and wacky wrestler; now he’s just hoping to stay alive); The Gatorade Guys (Dr. Robert Cade and crew are pouring the huge profits from their invention into good causes); Mike Reid (He’s an award-winning songwriter. That’s all you need to know. (Pssst: He was a four-time All-Pro); Dom DiMaggio (His legendary brother gone, his famous teammate in decline, the last of the DiMaggio’s stands alone); The Hogs (The porcine Redskins who made offensive linemen famous are still working hard); The Fearsome Foursome (This quartet famed for its ferocity is notable for the friendship of its members); The Fumble (One horrific play change the fortunes of a franchise and the lives of the players involved); Rick Mount (This Indiana schoolboy star and All-America at Purdue flopped as a pro and is only now, at age 54, coming to terms with life after hoops); Lost And Found (Now you’re thinking, Whatever happened to…? You may find your answer in here) Departments – Leading Off; Letters; SI View ( * Steve Rushin’s Air and Space * The Week in TV Sporta * Multimedia); Scorecard ( * Ripken’s retirement * Sports fakers * “Believe it or else” * Bleacher Bums banned); Faces In The Crowd; The Life Of Reilly Inside… – Olympic Sports; Baseball; The NHL

Cover:  “Where Are They Now? – The Original 1972 Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders”

Condition:  Very Good