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Sports Illustrated 2000 October 30


Sports Illustrated 2000 October 30


Contents:  Baseball – Roger And Out (A hair-trigger reaction by Roger Clemens set the tone for the Subway Series) Pro Football – Crash Course (Offences would be a wreck were it not for fullbacks, the game’s forgotten men); Attack Mode (The unleashed Chiefs swarmed the vaunted Rams and buried them with ease) Boxing – Quitting Time (When Mike Tyson met Andrew Golota, the question was who would break first) NBA Preview 2000-01 – What Am I Doing Here? (As younger and younger players enter the league, they must learn to cope – with a faster game and a faster life); Growing Life (To help today’s youth deal, we provide examples of players at their current stages of development); Testing His Strength (Can Orlando’s Tracy McGrady, at the ripe age of 21, fill the role of superstar); No More Mr. T (Once a hothead, ref Steve Javie matured into one of the league’s top officials); The Last Laugh (It’s easy to knock Knick’s coach Jeff Van Gundy. Don’t be fooled. He’s shrewd and fearless); Scouting Reports (Our analyses of all 29 teams in the NBA, including exclusive Player Value Rankings) Departments – Letters; Catching Up With…; SI View (Steve Rushin’s Air and Space * The Week in TV Sports * Multimedia); Scorecard (Big Apple is shiniest * Oh, Emmanuel! * Sly driving moves * The dirt on dugouts); Faces In The Crowd; The Life Of Reilly Inside… – The NFL; College Football; Olympic Sports

Cover:  “Young And Restless – Kevin Garnett, 24, Welcomes Darius Miles, 19”

Condition:  Very Good