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Sports Illustrated 1999 December 27


Sports Illustrated 1999 December 27


Contents:  The Lineup – Pro Football – First-Degree Tragedy (Rae Carruth was a gifted Panthers receiver. Now he is accused of ordering his pregnant girl-friends murder.), Chief Weapon (Kansas City’s Tony Gonzalez used his basketball skills to develop into one of the NFL’s premier tight ends.) College Football – Sugar Plums (Florida State figures to win it’s second national title of the decade, but Virginia Tech won’t go without a fight.) Baseball – At Full Blast (Shooting outrageously from the lip, Braves closer John Rocker bangs away at his favorite targets: the Mets, their city and just about everyone in it.) 20th Century – Greatest Sports Figures (Here’s our choice from the top 50 from your neck of the woods and, on the following pages, a list of those from all 50 states.) Our Favorite Feats – The SI Top 20 (They astonished us by going where no athlete had gone before them, surmounting hurdles literal and metaphysical.), Bannister and Hillary (Pioneer four-minute-miler Roger Bannister and Everest conqueror Edmund Hillary became, at mid-century, the last great heroes in an era of sea change in sport.)

Cover:  The 50 Greatest Sports Figures From Michigan

Condition:  Very Good