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Sports Illustrated 1998 October 12


Sports Illustrated 1998 October 12


Contents:  Baseball Playoffs – Masterpiece Theater (In the American League the Indians will have to be perfect to upstage the Yankees), Battle Royal (In the National League the Padres and their King will joust with the regal Braves) College Football – First-Rate Secondary – Ohio State’s defensive backfield is the strongest unit on the nation’s best team) Pro Football – Home At Last (After nine years with five teams, Chris Chandler has emerged as a star in Atlanta) NHL ’98-’99 Preview – Stitches In Time (Split lip? Busted ribs? No Problem. Playing in pain has always been essential in hockey); Beware! (Bryan Marchment, the Sharks’ fierce defenseman, is the dirtiest player in the league), Fearless (Doug Gilmour of the Blackhawks has been in the line of fire for 15 years – and has scars to prove it); Pantheon Of Pain (Here with their tales of trauma are the electees to our Hall of Lame); Scouting Reports (Ice dimensions, an expansion team, conference alignment, all are new – as is another big change, SI‘s pick for Stanley Cup champions, the Stars) Departments – Letters; Catching Up With…; The Life Of Reilly Scorecard – Disgusted Diamondback fan * Quisenberry remembered * Hingis’s fast company * Eagles versus Redskins * U.S. (Maybe) marathon star * Swoosh swoon * Faces In The Crowd * SI View Inside… – The NFL; Motor Sports; College Football

Cover:  “Can David Justice And The Indians Upset The Mighty Yankees?”

Condition:  Very Good