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Sports Illustrated 1998 February 20


Sports Illustrated 1998 February 20


Contents:  Zero Latitude (The equator would be a great place to visit, if only it existed.), All You Need To Know About The Equator (With helpful and stimulating visual aids courtesy of Daniela Pestova.), At Play on the Fun Line (From Trompos to Pencak Silar, a roundup of the games people play on the equator.), Kenya (Rebecca Romihn and Laetilia Casta get a taste of the wild life on the Veldt.), The Maasai (Legendary warriors and supermodels – can you say “striking Juxtaposition”/), Indonesia (Stacey Williams shows off her Bintan Lines.), An Enviable Position (In which we answer the question, What’s the secret of Stacey’s success.), It’s Raining Weathergirls (With everybody talking El Nino this year, who else are you gonna call?), Maldives (Tyra Banks, Heidi Klum and Beri Smither versus 1,192 islands.), Portfolio (Some of America’s favorite sports stars pose with their favorite stars.), A Tough Post-Nup (Janet Jones Gretzky seems to have it all, but who can blame her for wanting more?), Going Deep (Tanga gets in way over her head.), Galapagos (Chandra North, Lorraine Pascale and Niki Taylor exemplify survival of the fittest.), A Night On The Equator (Eva Herzigova fades to black.), Ecuador (Karen Mulder, Louise Forsling and Irina Pantaeva heat up Cotapaxi.), Physics Illustrated (You don’t need to be an astrophysicist to understand what moves heaven and earth.), Point After (Didn’t think the equator was much fun? Try the big zero.)

Cover:  Heidi Klum

Condition:  Very Good