Sports Illustrated 1995 March 20


Sports Illustrated 1995 March 20

1 in stock


Contents:  What Goes Up… (Michael Jordan is thinking about donning the Bulls’ colors once more); Fair Or Foul? (A hotly disputed story suggested cocaine led to Celtic Reggie Lewis’s death); Time Is Running Out (SI steps up to the plate and presents its plans for ending the baseball strike); Cat Nipped (Kentucky got an NCAA top seed by winning a dramatic SEC tournament); Trimming The Sails (Three U.S. boats and four others remain in the hunt for the America’s Cup; Forrest Grier (Gumptious Rosey Grier, the former NFL star, just keeps stumbling into fame); The Post With The Most (Writer’s cramp may be all that can stop Rebecca Lobo, No. 1 UConn’s fan favorite); Giant Sucking Sound (That’s what Canada’s distraught hockey buffs have as their game heads south) Departments – Faces In The Crowd; Letters; Scorecard; Inside Horse Racing; Point After

Cover:  “It’s Super Michael…Or is it?”

Condition:  Very Good