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Sports Illustrated 1992 December 21


Sports Illustrated 1992 December 21


Sports Illustrated 1992 December 21Contents:  Sportsman of the Year (Tennis player Arthur Ashe epitomizes good works, devotion to family and unwavering grace under pressure.), Charged-Up Defense (Thanks to an odd mix of defenders and their sexagenarian coach, San Diego is on the brink of a playoff berth.), A Feud Renewed (In a basketball battle of the Bluegrass, high-flying Kentucky once again knocked down longtime rival Louisville.), Dark Days for Baseball (Gloom and doom – and free-agent moola – resulted in the grimmest winter meetings in anyone’s memory.), Every Day is Game Day (In their excellent adventure at the headquarters of ESPN, our Bill and John discovering the world of SportsCenter.), A Man to Lean On (Lawrence Burton, former Olympian and NFL receiver, found a calling as a counselor to troubled kids at Boys Town.) Departments – Faces in the Crowd, Letters, Scorecard, College Basketball, Pro Football, Point After

Cover:  Arthur Ashe

Condition:  Very Good