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Sports Illustrated 1989 June 12


Sports Illustrated 1989 June 12


Sports Illustrated 1989 June 12Contents:  The Big Stick (With every swing, there’s a chance Bo Jackson will do something extraordinary. So everyone watches.), Fast Lane For Phoenix (By investing millions to run the U. S. Grand Prix through its streets, this desert city hoped for a rich return.), Final Agenda (There are six big keys in the Detroit Pistons-L.A. Lakers series, with an NBA title in the balance.), Eight is not Enough (Martina Navratilova skipped the French Open because she has visions of her ninth Wimbledon plate.), Raising the Roof (The opening of the Toronto Sky Dome’s retractable roof revealed a glimpse into the future of sports stadiums.), The Bald Eagle (At 76, Charlie Whittingham, trainer of Sunday Silence, is on the brink of winning the Triple Crown.), Hoch as in Choke (Scott Hoch blew a gimme putt to lose the Masters, but he has since proved a winner in more ways than one.) Departments – Letters, Scorecard, Soccer, Track & Field, Inside Baseball, Tennis, For The Record, Point After

Cover:  Bo Jackson

Condition:  Very Good