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Sports Illustrated 1988 December 26


Sports Illustrated 1988 December 26


Contents: Run And Gun (It wasn’t the first 300-point college game, but Oklahoma did bury Loyola Marymount under a ton of points), Postseason’s Greetings (While neither 1988 Super Bowl team had a winning record, 10 other clubs went merrily into the playoffs), A Whole New Ball Game (Two megabuck TV deals may change the face of baseball for good or not so good), Tired Of All That Jazz (Coach Frank Layden, who made a poor NBA team a good one, quit because the game ceased being fun), Pictures ’88 (Savor these images of triumph (Olympian and otherwise) and trouble (martial, medical and more) in a remarkable year in sports), Sportsman Born And Bred (After pitching a ringer in the election, George Bush will bring to the White House a rich athletic heritage) Departments – Letters, Scorecard, College Basketball, Hockey, Pro Football, For The Record, Point After

Cover:  Florence Griffith Joyner

Condition:  Very Good