Sports Illustrated 1987 August 17


Sports Illustrated 1987 August 17

1 in stock


Contents:  Full Steam Ahead (San Francisco got Pro Football off to a sizzling start with a win over Kansas City in the Hall of Fame game); Revving Up In Motown (Detroit’s Tigers walloped the Yankees three times to invigorate the race in the American League East); Mac Gets A New Mr. Fix-It (John McEnroe showed up at the Volvo tournament in Vermont with his ’87 guru and a solid game in tow); Cool Customer In A Hot PGA (Larry Nelson calmly coped with searing weather to win a playoff and his third major golf championship); O.K., Drop That Emery Board (Baseball has mounted a campaign to stop pitchers from doctoring the balls and hitters from corking the bats); They Came Up Roses (The disabled athletes at the Special Olympics couldn’t all win gold medals, but they were all true champions); The Saint From Shiloh (Canadian running back Rueben Mayes, last season’s NFL Rookie of the Year, has been a blessing to New Orleans); Unseen Hands On My Game (A week are Royal Dornoch is a golfer’s dream, but the author found that it can be a haunting experience, too) Departments – Letters; Scorecard; Inside Baseball; Harness Racing; For The Record; Point After

Cover:  “Tigers Burning Bright – Hot-Hitting Alan Trammel”

Condition:  Very Good