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Sports Illustrated 1984 July 18


Sports Illustrated 1984 July 18


Contents:  The 1984 Olympics (The L.A. Games, if diminished as an athletic event by the Soviet bloc boycott, still will be a spectacle); Gold Medals Galore (That’s the goal – and an attainable one it is – of America’s stellar long jumper – sprinter Carl Lewis); Track And Field: An Overview (Having analyzed the competition in all events, SI‘s expert says U.S. men, in particular, should excel); The Albatross Will Fly (Michael Gross of West Germany, frequent breaker of world marks, should be the Games top swimmer); Swimming: An Overview (With the formidable Eastern Europeans staying at home, U.S. men and women both should be dominant); The Rich Patina Of Old Gold (Fifty-two years after their triumphs in the first L.A. Olympics, these victors remain remarkable); A Star Was Born (A 10th of a second meant 1932 Olympics gold and a Hollywood career for U.S. swimmer Buster Crabbe); Los Angeles (The land, the movies, the studios, the freeways, the deserts, the canyons, the plants and the flowers); He’s A Perfect 10 (To Daley Thompson of England, the decathlon is an event of such beauty he gladly gives his all to it); A Feast For The Eyes (Rhythmic gymnastics, which will make an Olympic debut of a sort in L.A., is a real sight to behold); Who Will Be The Winners (The redoubtable Fraulin Doktor V provides her assessment of who will get gold medals – and why); Mr. Olympics (A profile of Jim McKay, ABC’s anchorman for the Games, plus a detailed listing of when to watch what); Like Father, Like Daughter (U.S. shooter Lones Wigger, twice a gold medalist, and teenager Deena Wigger are both right on target); It ___ Can Be Done (Even with the Soviets not on hand, there is a trio of teams that could beat the Americans in basketball); A Man Wreathed In Glory (Marathoner Rob de Castella, a runner of rigorous habits and views, should put gold among his laurels); A Road Least Traveled (No Canadian has won a boxing gold medal since ’32. Willie deWit and Shawn O’Sullivan should alter that); Who Are These Guys? (And why don’t they wear skirts? After all, they’re playing that preppy girls game called field hockey); There’s Gold On His Menu (Japan’s 5’11”, 280-pound Yasuhiro Yamashita has an Olympic appetite – for both food and judo titles); Chairman Of The Board (Italy’s Klaus Maran, an ex-heavyweight, is thin as the air that may propel him to a boardsailing gold); Only You, Mary Lou (Tiny Mary Lou Retton is a one-of-a-kind woman gymnast. She may win a gold medal for the U.S.); No One Does It Better (American diver Greg Louganis is so good that he gets extra points just for showing up); The Ultimate Winner (Dan Gable willed himself into being the world’s best wrestler. Now he’s driving the U.S. team to the top); The Great Leap Upward (Aptly, Zhu Jianhua of China was born in the Year of the Rabbit, for no one has jumped higher than he)

Cover:  “Special Preview. The 1984 Olympics”

Condition:  Very Good