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Sports Illustrated 1983 March 14


Sports Illustrated 1983 March 14


Contents:  Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks (Among the things Herschel Walker learned during his losing debut in the USFL was how to sit on the bench), Don’t Cry For Them, Argentina (Guillermo Vilas and Jose-Luis Clerc don’t shed tears for each other, but they sent the U.S. Cup team home weeping), In Philadelphia, They’re Wheeze Kids (Former Cincinnati stars Pete Rose, Joe Morgan and Tony Perez will play this season in aptly named Veterans Stadium), A Yawning Gap In His Life (Michael Spinks faces his biggest night, with his 2-year-old daughter Michelle the special someone in his corner), Dodgertown (Dodgers of every variety convene annually in Vero Beach, Fla. to study at Branch Rickey’s “college of baseball”), They Were Real Troopers (At the pre-Olympics, Sarajevans showed they can probably pull off the ’84 Winter Games – in a style all their own) Departments – Scorecard, College Basketball, Horse Racing, For The Record, 19th Hole

Cover:  “A Rosy Reunion” – Tony Perez, Joe Morgan & Pete Rose

Condition:  Very Good