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Sports Illustrated 1982 August 23


Sports Illustrated 1982 August 23


Contents:  Suddenly It’s The Wild West (As in seasons of yore, the Dodgers and the Giants found themselves in a dustup, along with the parvenu Padres and Braves); Yes, Folks, He Can Take A Hit (Renaldo Nehemiah cleared his first NFL hurdle neatly – and intact – by catching two passes against the L.A. Raiders); Alone In The Eye Of A Hurricane (While controversy raged at the World Wrestling Championships in Edmonton, a quiet American won the only U.S. gold); Having A Ball At The Beach (Two-man teams play torrid volleyball that has spread to Florida from the beaches of California); He Puts The Court Before The Horse 9Mychal Thompson of the Trail Blazers doesn’t want much for his native Bahamas, just one real basketball court); Old Dog With New Tricks (Luke Appling, the Braves 75-year-old minor league batting coach, sure practiced what he preaches – with a big homer); The Ascent Of An Enigma (The Steelers’ Franco Harris is a man of mighty few words, but a lot of yardage, and his is climbing toward a record) Departments – Scorecard; Baseball; For The Record; 19th Hole

Cover:  “Franco Harris of Pittsburgh”

Condition:  Very Good