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Sports Illustrated 1979 March 19


Sports Illustrated 1979 March 19


Contents:  Two Hitters Who Can’t Miss (Super-bantam Wilfredo Gomez and featherweight king Danny Lopez are on course toward a big bang), Many An Oops Twixt The Ball And The Hoop (If the victories by Oklahoma and Toledo in the NCAAs were upsets, what do you call what Penn and St. John’s did to the ACC?), It’s Not Only A Game Of Inches (It’s of little consequence whether Harry Chappas is or isn’t the smallest big leaguer. The big question is can he help the White Sox win), Hey, Look At Ol’ Andy Bean (The PGA’s No. 3 money-winner likes to jack-rabbit around the orange groves, wrestle alligators and go fishing with his daddy), The Bargain Of A Lifetime (Nelson Bunker Hunt bought Exceller for $25,000, and now the 6-year-old is closing in on $2 million and Kelso’s earning record), The Great Dublin Robbery (Did Mike McTigue deserve his victory over Battling Siki on that fateful St. Patrick’s Day? After 56 years, the true story) The Departments – Scorecard, Pro Basketball, Horse Racing, Track & Field, Wrestling, For The Record, 19th Hole

Cover:  Shortstop Harry Chappas

Condition:  Very Good