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Sports Illustrated 1974 August 5


Sports Illustrated 1974 August 5


Contents:  Star-Struck Canton (The NFL dispute rolled on at the Hall of Fame game, with players out picketing and owners out-tricking); They Knew A Way To San Jose (Older hands wanted the new NASL team in the Bay Area, but Milan Mandaric chose the right spot for the Quakes); One Intrepid Lady (The wooden grande dame of the America’s Cup has shown her mettle in bidding for a third defense); Going To Pot With The Lobsters (After a nine-day road trip, the Boston entry in WTT discovered it wasn’t all it was cracked to be); A Strange Kind Of Love (Pittsburgh’s volatile pro football fans dote on their Steelers – and can’t stand ’em. Part II of a series); In The Catbird Seat (Ebbets Field. It was a home away from home and, if not exactly Elysium, the next best thing); Run Noisy, Run Deep, Go To Work (The killer whale, once dreaded, is performing tasks for the Navy and is the chatty star of oceanariums) The Departments – Scorecard; People; Baseball; Bridge; Tennis; Swimming; For The Record; 19th Hole

Cover: “The Pro Football Strike”

Condition:  Very Good