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Sports Illustrated 1970 November 2


Sports Illustrated 1970 November 2


Contents:  TV Wins On Points (The Monday night NFL game is a big winner in the Nielsen ratings, but nudies, saloons and players are hurting); Ali Smashes Back (After three years in exile, Muhammad starts his comeback by destroying Jerry Quarry); No Mullets Down There (The small colleges have big football, too, in teams like Texas (A&I), Arkansas (State) and Tennessee (State)); Birds Of A Feather Flock To Bob (Washington Senators Owner Bob Short says he likes stormy petrels. He should. He depends on them to save him); Bloodthirsty Tennis, Anyone (Or how to turn a love set into a hate match. An ex-champ with nerve and an eye for drama sticks out his neck); Journey South To A Cold Summer (Mary Hemingway joins a shipload of amateur explorers for bird watching, berg watching and even fishing in Antarctica); In Their Cups (The game’s the thing while the action is on, but after than the trophy’s the thing and strange tales unfold) The Departments – Scorecard; College Football; Motor Sports; Track & Field; Pro Basketball; For The Record; 19th Hole

Cover:  “Pro Football’s Monday Night HEX”

Condition:  Very Good