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Sports Afield Magazine 1985 June


Sports Afield Magazine 1985 June


Contents:  Sports Afield Expertise – Adventures In Editing (Having the Hunt), Readers Afield (Willard’s Worm; Africa revisited), Harrison: Reports Afield (Saving Potholes; Moose in Michigan), Circle: Angling (Sheefish), Kerasote: Camping (Car-Camping gear), Harrison: Nature (Gulls – Tough-Guy Birds), Sosin: Fishing (Bluegill basics), Gresham: Shooting (Eye-Savers), Atwill: Hunting (Tree Stand alternatives), Taylor: Fishing Boats (Buying a used outboard), Oertle: Sport Vehicles (What’s new in RVs), Worldwide Angler (California Stripers; Ohio Bass Bonanza), Worldwide Hunter (TVA’s Fallow Deer; Northwest Bandtails), Robinson: Gundogs (Starting right with Retrievers) June Features – A Lake Lost In Time, The Second-Class Deer, Sports Afield Food: Yankee Chowder, Giant Snakes Of The World, Weekend Bass, Blackpowder Pioneers, Morning On A Marsh, Kayak, Bobo – The Count And Abel Bumblebee, Discovery: New River Smallmouths, Almanac, Just One More: Trout Of The Desert Night

Issue:  June 1985

Condition:  Very Good