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Sports Afield Magazine 1985 April


Sports Afield Magazine 1985 April


Contents:  Sports Afield Expertise – Adventures In Editing (“Dear John” Fallout), Readers Afield (Sweet 16: South African concern), Harrison: Reports Afield (Bear / Man Conflicts; Missourians cheer), Gresham: Shooting (Basic blunders), Circle: Angling (Strategies for new Lakes), Kerasote: Camping (New stoves for backpackers), McIntyre: Hunting (Brown Bear – A spring obsession), Sosin: Fishing (Bass lures of the Pros), Taylor: Fishing Boats (Charts and charting), Harrison: Nature (Animal architects), Oertle: Sport Vehicles (Customized improvements), Worldwide Hunter (Primitive hunts on Florida Island), Worldwide Angler (Ontario float trips; New York Bass), Gear (Quick-release leash snap; Wrist box), Robinson: Gundogs (How many dogs do you really need?) April Features – Adirondack Canoe Trip, Woodchuck: Meadowland Engineer, The Ravin’ Maniac, Bighorn Bear, John Schoenherr, Dude Fishing, Fishing In Neutral, Discovery: Vermejo Mixed Bag, Almanac, Outer Banks Bass, Sports Afield Food: Nymphes a l’Aurore, Just One More: Fish Of Gold, Fish Of Flavor

Issue:  April 1985

Condition:  Very Good