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Sports Afield Magazine 1983 May


Sports Afield Magazine 1983 May


Contents:  Sports Afield Expertise – Adventures In Editing (The Complete Outdoor Reporter), Readers Afield (Father Time and Trout; Wonderful whiffs), Harrison: Reports Afield (Sportsmen win rights; Caribou endangered), Robinson: Gundogs (Hunters can save the Woodcock), Circle: Angling (A surefire Surface tactic), Bowring: Hunting (Super bow), Harrison: Nature (The incredible Egg), Sosin: Fishing (Peak performance from Depthsounders), Kerasote: Camping (Dealing with the bugs), Taylor: Boats (Join a canoe club), Oertle: Sport Vehicles (Time to trade?), Gresham: Shooting (New guns and gear), Worldwide Angler (Pennsylvania Bass; Fishing Switzerland), Worldwide Hunter (Montana Moose; Arkansas Trophy Bucks), Catalogs (Bass lore; Firearms; RV Tires) May Features – First Trip West, No Return Bears, Ballad Of The Nashaboon, Gear To Survive, Artful Tricks For Bluegills, Hunting Wild Mushrooms, Catfish Strategies, The Lions That Stopped A Railroad, A Conversation With Glen Lau – Part II, Zen And The Art Of Pig Hunting, Alaskan Float, Discovery: Cranberry Country Bass, Almanac, Just One More: Outdoor VIPs

Issue:  May 1983

Condition:  Very Good