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Sports Afield Magazine 1982 January


Sports Afield Magazine 1982 January


Contents:  Sports Afield Expertise – Adventures In Editing (Sports Afield 1887-1982), Readers Afield (Goosin’ Encounters; On The Mark), Harrison: Reports Afield (Alligator hunt; Las Vegas bets for Wildlife), 1982 State Fishing Awards Program, Gresham: Shooting (How to hit Quail), Sosin: Fishing (The Challenge of Ultralight), Bowring: Hunting (Finding Late-Season Grouse), Circle: Angling (Walleye wiles), Harrison: Nature (Danger in the Line of Duty), Taylor: Boats (Choosing your own Dock), Oertle: Sport Vehicles (Running on Sand), Kerasote: Camping (Hiking safely on Snow), Robinson: Gundogs (Training by Example) January Features – Trapline Twins, Little Killer, Worldwide Sportsman, The Russet-Hued World Of Robert Abbett, Best Bonefishing In The Bahamas, One Dog’s Day, Do You Really Want An Outdoor job, Black-Powder Accoutrements, Adios, Amigo, Discovery: New Zealand Rainbows, Sports Afield‘s 95th Anniversary Almanac, Just One More: Old Friend Now Departed

Issue:  January 1982

Condition:  Very Good