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Sports Afield Magazine 1982 February


Sports Afield Magazine 1982 February


Contents:  Sports Afield Expertise – Adventures In Editing (The Sports Afield Convention), Readers Afield (Grits on Guns; Worldwide Payoff), Harrison: Reports Afield (Quail decline in South; Kepone in James River), Harbour: Hunting (Getting started with a Bow), Gresham: Shooting (A complete guide to Ballistics), Taylor: Boats (Fiberglass facts and fiction), Circle: Angling (Reservoir tactics), Oertle: Sport Vehicles (New breed of Mini Trucks), Harrison: Nature (Spring Harbinger – The Muskrat), Kerasote: Camping (Sun Power), Sosin: Fishing (Position: The Key to Presentation), Robinson: Gundogs (The first hunt), Worldwide Angler (World’s Fair Opportunities; China now open), Worldwide Hunter (Planning for Alaska; Falconry in New York) February Features – Brown Trout Breakthrough, The Life And Times Of Jimmy Robinson, Rangeland Gobblers, Roll-Your-Own Fishing, Alberta Bighorns, Downstream, Storm Flights, Lonely Weather Bass, The Pet Threat, Men Of The Madison, Discovery: Salmon River Legacy, Almanac, Just One More: Pardonable Sins

Issue:  February 1982

Condition:  Very Good