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Sports Afield Magazine 1982 December


Sports Afield Magazine 1982 December


Contents:  Sports Afield Expertise – Adventures In Editing (All about you), Readers Afield (Hunter’s Obligation; Deer in new places), Harrison: Reports Afield (Reduced fish kill; Deer reproduction), Gresham: Shooting (The right ammo), Harbour: Hunting (Outwitting late season Bucks), Sosin: Fishing (Flyline options), Taylor: Boats (To stop a thief), Oertle: Sport Vehicles (Heading south), Harrison: Nature (Wildlife survival food), Kerasote: Camping (Finis Mitchell – Caretaker of the Winds), Circle: Angling (New tackle for ’83), Robinson: Gundogs (Practical Retriever trials), Worldwide Hunter (Deer in Hawaii; Texas Ringnecks), Worldwide Angler (Alaska Trophy waters; New Jersey Trout), Catalogs (Hunting accessories; Outdoor clothing), Random Casts (Fishhooks that float; New electric) December Features – Cockbird, Midwinter Crappies, Wax And Wane, Shivers And Quivers, Just In Time For Christmas, The Elephant Gun, Canoeing New Zealand, The Great Commuter Riot, American Falconry Today, George Bird Grinnell, Discovery: Last Chance Elk, Almanac, Just One More: Fencerows

Issue:  December 1982

Condition:  Very Good