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Sports Afield Magazine 1981 August


Sports Afield Magazine 1981 August


Contents:  Sports Afield Expertise – Adventures In Editing (First in the Field), Readers Afield (Pass-Along Laughter; Barnegat Bay Decoys), Harrison: Reports Afield (Get a Dog; Policing Outdoor Slobbery), Harbour: Hunting (Plan for Your Whitetail), Gresham: Shooting (New Visual Aids), Circle: Angling (Hot-Weather Tactics), Taylor: Boats (Great Boating Goofs), Harrison: Nature (Tuning In), Sosin: Fishing (Trout and Salmon, Scottish Style), Oertle: Sport Vehicles (Tips for Early-Season Hunters), Worldwide Hunter (Banner Year in Montana; California Waterfowl), Robinson: Gundogs (Heartworm – An Ounce Of Prevention), Childress: The Far Field (Cousin Jimmy’s Noodling Machine) August Features – Prairieland Bowhunt, Payara Of The Orinoco, Kodiak, The Call That Is Wilderness, Reflections From The Marsh, Sports Afield‘s 1981 Deer-Hunting Survey, Decoy Dogs, Day Of A Hunter, The Simple Shelter, Discovery: Toronto’s Lakefront Fishing, Sports Afield Almanac

Issue:  August 1981

Condition:  Very Good