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Sports Afield Magazine 1979 March


Sports Afield Magazine 1979 March


Contents:  Sports Afield Expertise – Report Afield (Upgrading the Great Lakes; Record Tuna), Adventures In Editing (Nine staff-written features), Circle: Angling (Best month for Big Bass), Gresham: Shooting (Preview of a lightweight Rifle), Harrison: Nature (Brighter days on the booming grounds), Bowring: Outdoors (Lease agreements – A quality alternative), Sosin: Salt Water (Fishing by degrees), Seville: RV / Camping (12-volt accessories for RVers), Taylor: Boats (If you decide to build), Catalogs (Stuff bag; Hunting club; 1979 outboards), Worldwide Angler (New Mexico Bass; Virgin Islands Inshore), Worldwide Hunter (Yukon mixed bag; Polar Bear – Legal again?), Keating: Almanac (Squirrely squirrel tactic; Why Wolves howl?), Robinson: Gundogs (Field-Trial champs – Best Gundogs going?), The Last Word (A reason a wife can’t understand; Baja payoff) March Features – A Fly For All Seasons, The Endangered Species Myth, Oddball Techniques For Bass, Canoes: The Craft That Call To Adventure, Hooked On A Blue Charm, Spring Turkeys: The Art Of Seductive Calling, Spring Turkeys: Mountain Gobblers Of The Virginias, Our Buffalo, The Shotgun Games, Angling Taught Here, Early-Season Smallmouths, The Books That Made Bass Fishing, Fishing Tackle: What’s New For 1979, Discovery: Char Of The Midnight Sun

Issue:  March 1979

Condition:  Very Good