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Sports Afield Magazine 1979 August


Sports Afield Magazine 1979 August


Contents:  Sports Afield Expertise – Reports Afield (Pollution levels drop; Deer vs Politics), Adventures in Editing (Habitat management for all game), Gresham: Shooting (New backpack Rifles), Circle: Angling (Cut down on lost fish), Harrison: Nature (Clearing the air on clearcutting), Jobson: Hunting (Cape Buffalo: the Massive Mauler), Seveille: RV/Camping (The lowdown on tents – Part II), Sosin: Salt Water (Handling fish safely), Taylor: Boats (The search for dependability), Worldwide Hunter (Bargain Bucks in Ohio; Nepal Sheep), Worldwide Angler (Record Tarpoon; Texas Bass survey), Murphy: Almanac (Bird Dog ESP; Spot check Sex), Robinson: Gundogs (Gordon Setters: Last of the Line?), The Last Word (Hosannas for Harbour; No Trout stories) August Features – Practical Light-Tackle Fishing – Part 1, 1979 Deer Survey: The Northeast, The South / Southeast, The Heartland, The West, The Well-Equipped Bowhunter, Lure Colors: The Key To More Bass, Oh Those Wonderful Doves, Bass Fishing’s Most Predictable Season, Meet America’s Quail, John Scott And The Big Sky, Recapture The Thrill of Hunting, Prize of The Chipewyan Bush, Discovery: South Carolina Whitetails

Issue:  August 1979

Condition:  Very Good