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Sports Afield Magazine 1978 December


Sports Afield Magazine 1978 December


Contents:  Sports Afield Expertise – Reports Afield (Protecting Caribou; Outdoor Women.), Adventures in Editing (The story behind the Currituck Hunting Clubs.), Circle: Angling (Twelfth-Month favorites: Steelhead, bluegills, bass.), Gresham: Guns (Scatterguns on parade.), Harrison: Nature (Ghost of the White Wilderness.), Sosin: Salt Water (Water savvy.), Taylor: Boats (No-Cost boating information.), Worldwide Angler (International fishing forecast; Amazon catfish.), Worldwide Hunter (Tanzania lifts ban; Oregon bear hunts.), Catalogs (Scotch game calls; RV brochures; new stoves.), Kesting: Almanac (Nutritious handwarmer; snowshoes; hibernation.), Other Things (New products for sportsmen.), Robinson: Dogs (The sound and the fury.), The Last Word (Three of the greatest writers; A grateful father.) December Features – National Winter Hunt Directory, The Finer Points of Playing Fish, Currituck’s Grand Old Hunting Clubs, No More Deepwater Bass for Me, Extravagant Gifts for Sportsmen, New Interest in Snowshoes, New Respect for Snowmobiles, Bugs Make it Taste Better, Hunting Cold-Weather Coyotes, Birds Along the Pecos, Julie, Discovery: Unknown Fishing at Galapagos

Issue:  December 1978

Condition:  Very Good