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Sports Afield Magazine 1977 August


Sports Afield Magazine 1977 August


Contents:  Sports Afield Expertise – Circle: Angling (Dog-Day fishing tricks), Harrison: Nature (Would that Bear please step back?), Gresham: Guns (A cure for Magnumitis), Greene: Food (The mysterious potato), Jobson: Camping (Stay cool), O’Byrne: Travel (Portugal’s algarve), Robinson: Dogs (The phantom trainer), Seville: Wheels (Ford’s Fiesta), Taylor: Boats (The era of big outboards), Catalogs (Knives; Trailers; Internal tripping), Kesting: Almanac (Faulkner as Hunter), Reports Afield (A new hearing on hunting fees), The Last Word (Troutman and Fisherwoman fight back) August Specials – Doves: Your Most Popular Quarry, Dove Hunters: Don’t Shoot The Kestrel, The Big Black, Baja’s Billfish, Why You Can’t Hunt In Kenya, Steel Vs. Lead, A Passion For Bowhunting, The Crossbow, Belts: No Longer Just A Cinch, Sportfishermen, The Rybovich Touch, White Wine, More Trout Per Mile, The Rise Of The Outdoor Schools, Which Of These Foods Are Freeze-Dried?, Good

Issue:  August 1977

Condition:  Very Good