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Sports Afield Magazine 1976 September


Sports Afield Magazine 1976 September


Contents:  Hunting – The Shotgunner’s Notebook (A look at the most common mistakes we make with new dogs, knowingly and unknowingly); Bowhunting Systems For The Budget Minded (A in-depth look at the newest low-cost compound bows that will let you stretch your hunting seasons. How to select and outfit your bow, the equipment you need, best arrows, camouflage systems, sights and tree stands); Start Shopping Now For Your Thanksgiving Turkey (With many states now offering fall hunts, there’s still time to put a turkey on your table. But remember, spring tactics may not work on fall birds); The Sight Of Sights – America’s Great Geese (Geese flying overhead have stirred the hunter’s soul since the earliest of times. Here’s a look at the species found in the United States – in words and pictures); Rudy Etchen On Shotgunning (A detailed seminar with Rudy Etchen – his advisor on shooting form, guns, loads, chokes and stock dimensions for trap, skeet and field shooting); Everybody’s Confused But Me (Are crows a practical species or can you legally shoot them? Wildlife Officials and hunters alike are searching for an answer to this confusing state of affairs); Are The Greek Hounds Made Or Born? (Instinct or training? Just what makes a beagle a good hare hound? A lot of old pros think its a combination of the two, plus some patience); An Exciting New Hunting Game That Honors The Hunting Rifle (A look at the new rifleman’s sport – silhouette shooting. A detailed examination of the guns, scopes and loads plus a list of gun clubs that feature this exciting sport); Jimmy Robinson’s 1976 Waterfowl Forecast (The annual Sports Afield duck and goose survey and flyway predictions); A Sorry Dog Or A South Wind (A long-time hound and bird-dog man gives an explanation of those strange days when your dog does nothing right) Report Afield – Kilo Is Coming (The metric system is on its way in – IGFS to label lines in both pounds and kilos. Other items in the news include: * Alligators make amazing comeback * New swordfish haven discovered in South Florida * Easier-to-read CB rules * U.S. and Mexican wildlife services establish cooperative programs * Hunting and fishing license sales set records * U.S. anglers have new sportfishing limits in Mexico * Johnson and Evinrude introduce 175-hp outboards for 1977 * Hunting in Texas is big business * Huge white shark harpooned * Stock-your-own-bass program practiced in New Mexico * Sam Rayburn Lake found to have very healthy fish population * The market value of deer meat * A look at two opposing views of size limits for bass Outdoor-Living Information – Sportsman’s Information Page (Where to get items of interest to all outdoorsmen); Make Your Own Sand Spikes (Fresh-and saltwater anglers will find this project fun and easy to do); Sportsman’s Quiz (A test of your outdoor knowledge); New Snowmobiles For 1977 (A first look at the new models of snow sleds for next year); An Instant Survival Fire (Step-by-step procedure for making fire starters that light first time, every time) Editor’s Reports – Saltwater Editor Tom Paugh (describes how to pinpoint the wrecks and reefs for better fishing); Angling Editor Homer Circle (tells why fishermen should keep smaller fish and release the lunkers); Boats Editor Zack Taylor (tells how to use a boat to fight and land big billfish); Recreational Vehicles Editor Jack Seville (shows how to install a CB outfit the easy way) Travel Afield – Travel Editor Robert O’Byrne (journey’s through Manitoba and Saskatchewan seeking the best place to fish) Fishing – Where The Ozark Rainbow Dance (Arkansas rivers hold a bonanza of big trout. But they can be tricky unless you know where and when to find them); 120 Miles Of Free Florida Fishing (A comprehensive guide to the excellent fishing available at no charge from bridges connecting the Florida Keys) Tail Feathers – Gene Hill (The confessions of a gun collector that are not guaranteed to help you break the habit either) Almanac – Tips, skills, wildlife facts, curiosities, recipes, do-it-yourself outdoors ideas that are informative, fun and will save you miney

Issue:  September 1976

Condition:  Very Good