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Sports Afield Magazine 1975 September


Sports Afield Magazine 1975 September


Contents:  Shotgunning – Shooting Editor Grits Gresham (takes a look at the new offerings in variable chokes for shotgunners); Tips On How To Find And Bag Grouse (Tested methods that will help all gunners in their quest of this elusive, hard-to-hit game bird); Buddy-System Dove Hunting (You don’t need a crowd to successfully gun for doves. Try these tactics for simplified two-man hunting); Jimmy Robinson’s 1975 Waterfowl Forecast (The best news in years. Most duck species are up, thanks to timely rains, and the goose hunters should shout hooray); A Quiz For Ringneck Hunters (If you think the ringneck is a big, slow, easy upland bird, you’ve forgotten your last three misses – it’s time to test your knowledge on the pheasants); The Myth Of The Magnum (Here’s the most scientific and common-sense look at long-range shotgunning problems you’ve ever seen. It ought to raise a few eyebrows and change a few minds); Can We Have Millions Of Wild Turkeys That Are Really Wild? (What will hunting be like in the year 2000? Six noted wildlife biologists and hunters gave their views on this subject, and their answers are thought-provoking to say the least); Who Is Hunting The Hunter – And Why? (A look at the type of people and their reasons for antihunting attitude, and what we can do to save their attitudes and sport) Western Deer Hunting Today – What’s Happening To: Western States Deer Hunting (A special nine-page section which unravels many of the claims, rumors and confusions concerning one of America’s best deer-hunting areas) Elk Hunting Today – Where To Hunt Elk This Year (Complete information for finding elk in 1975. Best states, license costs, where to write for information, herd surveys and much more) Report Afield – Big New Mercury (Mercury Marine enters the outboard horsepower race with its new 175-hp V-6); Get On The Water Wagon (A traveling water quality workshop to help clean up the nation’s streams); Mississippians Support Use Of Drug-Tipped Arrow (Poison arrows are more humane and prevent losses, say 85 percent of bowhunters); Prehistoric Hunters Blamed For Ancient Giant Mammal Wipe Out (Extinction of North American animals 11,000 years ago blamed on 100 caveman hunters); Free Catalog For Jeep And Scout Parts (A new Sears book of replacement parts and accessories); Missouri Develops Bobwhite Soybean After 20-Year Search (New food crop competes with weeds, seeds heavily and will reseed itself for up to three years. And quail love it); Louisiana Zoned For Duck Hunting (A four-year test experiment to change Louisiana from the Mississippi to the Central Flyway); Wild Animal Pets Violate State Laws And Can Kill You (Authorities warn that wildlife is unpredictable and illegal to keep as pets); Rare Fish Specimen Captured In California Surf By Jogger (Uncommon, 133-pound louvar “caught” as it wallowed in the surf); 50th State To Recognize Freshwater Fish Records (Hawaii organizes official board to note record catches and make official awards); How To Unstick A Desert Bighorn Sheep (After almost a year, a ram is rescued from his penthouse ledge) Fishing – Fall Muskie Secrets (Fall is undoubtedly the best time for trophy muskies. These top tactics will help you score); Fishing The Golden Circle (A 15-mile backpack fishing expedition through California’s High Sierra in the John Muir Wilderness); The River Of The Girdlebugs (Don’t laugh at girdlebugs. They’re the hottest new lure on Montana’s famed Beaverhead River); Fine Bass, Easy Living (There’s something special about a day spent bass fishing on the Alligator River in North Carolina); Make Your Own Tube Lures (As fish-getters, these lures are hard to beat. Best of all, they’re easy to make) Outdoor-Living Information – “Wilderness Is More In The Man Than In The Land” (The wit and wisdom of “Nessmuk,” the father of modern camping); Sportsman’s Information Page (Where to get items of interest to all outdoorsmen); Sportsman’s Quiz (A test of your outdoor knowledge) Editors’ Reports – Saltwater Editor Tom Paugh (reveals a new hot spot for catching big snook from the surf); Recreational Vehicles Editor Jack Seville (reports on the new Itasca motorhome by Winnebago and tells how diesel-powered cars save their owners money); Angling Editor Homer Circle (tells where the next world-record largemouth bass is likely to come from); Gundogs Editor Jerome B. Robinson (tells how tattooing can help prevent dog theft) Tail Feathers – Gene Hill (Why do we save the little things we do – for luck or out of legend – or just because they bring back a moment that’s too precious to be lost) Almanac – Tips, skills, wildlife facts, curiosities, recipes, do-it-yourself outdoor ideas that are informative, fun and will save you money

Issue:  September 1975

Condition:  Very Good