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Sports Afield Magazine 1975 October


Sports Afield Magazine 1975 October


Contents:  Deer Hunting – Trail Watching Means Venison: But Which Trail Do You Watch? (When gone about with purpose and scope, this is the most effective method of hunting deer the author knows); Take An Extra Pair Of Eyes For Whitetails (How to choose, and where to get, the best binoculars for hunting in thick cover); Palace In The Popple (To hunters, a deer camp is more than just a shack in the woods, as this poem is quick to point out); Mulie Methods That Really Work (If you think mulies are big, dumb and easily shot you’re mistaken. It takes planning and savvy to bag one of these fleet, wary trophies); Points You Didn’t Know About Antlers (Why are some deer’s racks bigger than others? How and why do they grow? These and other questions are answered in this report); Trophy Whitetails: Hunting’s Toughest Challenge (The south’s big buck pro tells how he scores on record-size bucks – and tells how you can score too); Boning Deer: Save Time, Money And Meal (A professional meatcutter outlines a lazy man’s way of cutting up venison that’s easy to do); Lessons The Benoits Learned From Seven Unforgettable Deer (Possibly America’s best whitetail hunters, these Vermonters reveal that deer have taught them); Deer Hunting: The Challenge And The Prize (It takes special tactics to hunt deer alone. These tips will benefit all hunters) Hunting – How To Zero Your Hunting Rifle: 100 To 600 Yards (A simple step-by-step method to improve accuracy); Teaching Your Retriever Upland Work (Retrievers are excellent all-around gundogs, especially after the dog has been trained to do his prime job on waterfowl) Travel Afield – The Truth About Mexican Bass Fishing (Like bass anywhere, south-of-the-border fish can be tough to catch. Read this factual report before you go); Travel Editor Robert O’Byrne (takes an in-depth look at Lake Guerrero, Mexico, currently one of the hottest bass lakes anywhere. Where to stay, how to get there, border-crossing tips and best fishing tactics) Tail Feathers – Gene Hill (So it is with a lot of outdoor lore; we would like to believe, or at least strongly hold, that certain improbable things are indeed true) Outdoor-Living Information – Sportsman’s Quiz (A test of your outdoor knowledge); Sportsman’s Information Page (Where to get items of interest to all outdoorsmen) Fishing – 30 Famous Anglers Pick Their Four Favorite Flies (A battery of experts reveal which flies produce best for them, and why); Quick-Change System For Steelhead (Fishing is fruitless unless your lure is in the water. That idea is what led to this “quick-change system” that the pros use); Pack-In Paradise For Trout (For trout fishing like you’ve never experienced, try a horseback pack-in trip to Oregon’s Wallowa National Forest) Report Afield – Sign Of The Times (New Massachusetts gun law signs confuse resident hunters, nonresidents, even police); Western Anglers Earn $1700 Returning Bass Tags (Lake Mead fishermen collect $5 each for plastic tags implanted on largemouths); What Happened To Arizona’s New Record Striped Bass (A 49-pound 13-ounce striper was eaten – by mistake – before it could be mounted); Record Of First National Bass Symposium Available (This publication gives the serious angler much insight into the life and ways of the black bass); Record Sixgill Shark Caught In California (A 1270-pound specimen of this rarely seen, deep-water shark netted in eastern Pacific); “Force Corporations To Reveal Conservation Records,” NWF Demands (A plan for the public to accurately determine environmental records of large corporations); Texans Thank Whooping Cranes For Newest Outdoor Rec Hot Spot (Air Force bombing range on Matagorda Island closes for migrating cranes, opens for sportsmen’s use); Going To Fish Ireland? Read This Booklet First (All the inside information you need for fishing the Emerald Isle); Space Technology Aids Lion Researchers (Arizona and New Mexico game departments using electronics to study mountain lion behavior); Sure, Hunting Permits Are Expensive, But This One Was Rediculas ($1 million for a hunting permit? It happened in Arizona); ALS Urges Anglers, “Don’t Waste Sharks” (Interest in sharks has reached an all-time high – and so has an unnecessary waste); Sharks In The Bahamas? Oh, No, Mahn, No-o-o-o (Bahama officials oust TV crew doing film study of reef life) Recreational Vehicles Editor Jack Seville (takes a look at new automobiles for 1976); Shooting Editor Grits Gresham (tells how to read a buck’s book to increase your odds of success); Saltwater Editor Tom Paugh (discusses the new look the IGFA has and what it means to anglers); Angling Editor Homer Circle (tells how to reap a heavy harvest of fish in the fall months); Bosts Editor Zack Taylor (discusses portable boats that are perfect for pack-in trips); Gundogs Editor Jerome B. Robinson (on the best ways to train a beagle to become a good rabbit-hunting dog) Almanac – Tips, skills, wildlife facts, curiosities, recipes, do-it-yourself outdoor ideas that are informative, fun and will save you money)

Issue:  October 1975

Condition:  Very Good