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Sports Afield Magazine 1975 March


Sports Afield Magazine 1975 March


Contents:  Report Afield – Here Comes The Judge – And There Go Our Fish And Game (A report on what’s happening to our Salmon rivers in the Pacific Northwest), Back To Paper Cases For Some Shotgunners (Are paper cases without shot sleeves more accurate?), Time To Break The Largemouth Record? (A look at southern California where the Bass keep getting bigger and bigger), Steel Shot: What’s Happening Now (The latest facts in the critical lead-poisoning issue), Record Bonefish On Six-Pound Line (Where, when and how) Fishing – Testament Of A Fisherman (Robert Traver introduces the most information packed fishing issue ever) How To Start Surf Fishing For Big Blues (Basic tactics and gear for finding and catching Bluefish in the surf), A Wish And A Promise (Poetry that every angler should share with his children), The Double-Haul Is A Must For Distance (How to get the most out of this important fly-fishing cast), If The Question Is Hooks, Here’s The Answer (One of the most comprehensive studies of fishhooks that has ever been compiled. All you need to know about styles, shapes, which hook for which fish and more), American Masterpiece (One of Winslow Homer’s classic watercolors), The Four Most Important Fishing Knots (If you know these knots, you’re set for any kind of fishing), Leaders – Long, Short Or Whatever (Lee Wulf tells how to select and use the correct leader), How To Turn Little Fish Into Big Ones In Farm Ponds And Lakes (A new feeding system that produces bigger and scrappier fish), Striper And Weakfish Secrets Of The Old-Timers (They may be old, but these methods are still the best), Confessions Of A Bass Doctor (Novelist Vance Bourjaily on the fun of starting and maintaining a productive fish pond), Jigs Are Best For Walleyes (How to use jigs for more and bigger Walleyes), Plugs Are Best For Walleyes (How to use plugs for more and bigger Walleyes), Boats That Fish Designed (A look at the most popular types of boats and how they are used in today’s fishing scene), Know Your Fish (Easy reference on how to identify the various species of freshwater fish), The Hot Ticket Is Trout: 45 Minutes From Broadway (Where-to-go for wilderness-like Trout fishing that’s less than an hour from New York City), A First Rate Casting Rig That’s Easy And Economical (Try spin-casting for instant fishing fun), The Return Of The Weakfish (A report on the current status of this saltwater fighter), Sharpen Your Hooks Like This, And Keep Them Sharp (A honing method that is one of the best), The Five Most Important Bass Fishing Tips (Follow these tips and increase your catch), Cold Storing And Freezing Fish (The best methods of preparing your fish for refrigerator or freezing), The Bluefish Boom Keeps Boomin’ Along (The good old days of Bluefishing are here and now), The World’s Best Rig For Shallow-Water Bass (How to rig a plastic worm that Bass can’t resist), How To Build A Farm Pond (The basic information you need to know if you’re constructing a pond), Building Your Own Saltwater Library (How to start a collection of books you can be proud of), How Downriggers Do The Impossible (For deep fishing, you can’t beat this unique device), How To Put Power Behind Your Plugging (A new bait-casting method that adds distance and accuracy), Floats For Fishing (Selecting the right bobber can mean lots of fish or none at all. Here’s how), Sensational Steelhead Bait And Rig (Tying and using this effective combination for river Steelhead), The Cast That Catches Most Fish (The roll cast explained), The Lines That Get You Down To Where Fish Are (A look at the new sinking fly lines), How To Fish Where Fish Live (Learning to read structure and land features will mean more fish), The Fish-Finder Tested By Time-Trolling (For locating fish without instrument, this method is best), How To Replace A Worn Rod Guide (An easy-to-follow procedure that all anglers should know), Pork Rind: Still One Of The All-Time Greats (How to buy and use the best pork-rind baits), A Safe, Painless Way To Get The Hook Out (N new method that’s quick, easy and almost error free), Freshwater Baits (The best natural baits and how to use them), Famous U.S. Fishing Centers (Ten of the most productive areas – how to get there, where to stay and how to get the most fishing enjoyment), Readers’ Recipes For Trout (Four of the best recipes we’ve received for cooking Trout) Hunting – Are There More Midwest Whitetails That Weigh 400 Pounds? (A state-by-state guide to the Midwest’s most productive trophy deer areas), The Need For A Special Woodcock License (The plight of the Woodcock and how sportsmen can help), How Science Can Help You Get Your Gobbler (An in-depth interview with a turkey expert that reveals new facts that every turkey hunter will be able to benefit from), Where To Write For Hunting Information (Addresses of state agencies that have up-to-minute hunting dates and regulations), Antihunting Fanatics Held Off In New Jersey. But The Fight’s Not Over! (The battle has reached the courts, and the threat to hunting is nation wide) Outdoor-Living Information – Tackle Craft – How To Make Your Own Fishing Plugs (Step-by-step instructions for creating homemade wooden fishing lures), Sportsman’s Information Page (Where to get items of interest to all outdoorsmen), Sportsman’s Quiz (A test of your outdoor knowledge), Great Land In Agony (A report on Alaska and what’s happening to our wilderness lands), Gold In The Ground – How To Make A Fortune Raising Worms (All you need to know about this booming business) Editor’s Reports – Saltwater Editor Tom Paugh (discusses the importance of choosing the right time for the species of fish you’re after), Boats Editor Zack Taylor (tells you how to select, use and enjoy today’s canoes), Angling Editor Homer Circle (on why the wading angler has more fun and usually catches more fish), Gundogs Editor Jerome B. Robinson (describes how to build and use a call-back Quail pen), Recreational Vehicles Editor Jack Seville (on how to tell if your car has what it takes for trailer towing), Camping Editor John Jobson (tells how to select the tent that’s right for you), Shooting Editor Grits Gresham (on why confidence is the most important aspect in shooting), Ask The Editors (All of your outdoor questions answered by our experts in the field)

Issue:  March 1975

Condition:  Very Good