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Sports Afield Magazine 1975 June


Sports Afield Magazine 1975 June


Contents:  Vincent Marinaro – In The Ring Of The Rise (Expert trout fisherman Vince Marinaro, by means of words and pictures, delves into the mysterious and fascinating world of the trout. With graphic photographs Mr. Marinaro shows us the basic rise forms – the simple, compound and the complex – and then goes on to tell how and why trout react the way they do. Answered are such questions as how a trout really takes a fly, why all rises look alike to the angler, the effect of drag on a fly and how to eliminate it, new casting techniques – and much, much more. In 13 colorful and informative pages the world of the trout is opened to anglers who want to know more about their sport – and about trout) Fishing – A New Super-Rig For Summer Bluegills (Extra-sensitive mini-rods and diminutive flies are deadly medicine for big bream); Understanding Northern Pike (How to find their hideouts, plus tried-and-true tackle, lures and methods); Understanding Chain Pickerel (Surefire techniques for north and south – in lakes, ponds and streams); Understanding Muskellunge (Pay-off tactics, hot lures and top spots for muskie action); The Big Three Of The Far North (How and where to find the best angling for lake trout, Artic char and Artic grayling in Canada’s north country); The 60-Second Popper (An easy, streamside method of converting streamer flies to popper bugs); Boat Fishing-Tool Holder (A handy, easy-to-make carrier that keeps tools in place in your boat); The Uni-Knot: One Tie That Does It All (A new system of knot-tying that makes the Bimini Twist, the Duncan Loop, the Nail Knot and other old-time ties obsolete. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to tie and use this versatile discovery); New Twist For An Old Trick (How to attach a sliding cork to your line for easier casting) Report Afield – Salmon And Steelhead Fishing Closed On Columbia And Snake (Spring runs are decreasing due to dams and over-fishing and extinction looms unless something is done); New Information For Eastern Anglers (U.S. Government offers guides for saltwater fishermen); Missouri-Iowa Swap Birds (Trading of pheasant and turkeys will benefit both states’ hunting); First Pollution Control Loans OK’d In Maryland (Small business loans available to install required water-pollution-control systems); Giant Tarpon Taken In Pacific (A 128-pound tarpon, usually considered an Atlantic-only species, was caught off the coast of Panama); Endangered Species Lists Restudied (Designating local areas, rather than the whole habitat, where game is considered endangered); Bass Tourneys Don’t Hurt The Fishing, Experts Report (Surveys show national tournaments don’t do as much damage as some think); Illegal Killing Of Deer, Elk And Fish Threatens Wildlife (Poachers are making big money slaughtering then selling fish and game, and concerned sportsmen are riled); ATA Home Grounds To Remain At Vandalia (The Amateur Trapshooting Association, sponsor of the Grand American, will stay in Ohio, with many new shooting facilities) Hunting – Aiming Precision (Pete Brown on aiming factors that will improve your shooting accuracy); How To Make A Quail Feeder (Plans for a versatile, easily constructed feeder for game birds); 1975 Sports Afield Deer Survey And Hunt Planning Guide (For the first time all in one package everything you need to plan a fall hunt – 8 information-packed pages of costs, best areas to hunt, season dates and more, all in handy chart form); The Poacher (The story of the continuing conflict between a game warden and a ruthless poacher); Daisy Sponsors B.B. Gun Championship (Young shooters compete to determine the best B.B. gun shots in the world) Outdoor-Living Information – Outdoor School Teaches Backcountry Skills (A series of weeklong adventure vacations for persons who want to learn more about wilderness and about using backcountry areas); Tackle Craft – Make Your Own Spinners (Easy-to-follow steps for creating spinning lures that outperform the store-bought ones); Sportsman’s Qyuz (A test of your outdoor knowledge); Readers’ Recipes (Four ways of preparing fish that are different and easy to make); Sportsman’s Information Page (Where to get items of interest to all outdoorsmen); 1975 All-American Trap Team (Sports Afield‘s annual selection of the best trap shots in the country) Tail Feathers – Gene Hill (An intriguing story about a man’s search to find out about himself. Chances are you’ll see something about yourself in this as well. Step into this fishing camp and listen to the talk) Almanac – Tips, skills, wildlife facts, curiosities, recipes, do-it-yourself outdoor ideas that are informative, fun and will save you money) Editor’s Reports – Angling Editor Homer Circle (takes a look at grub-jigs – hot new lures that outfish even plastic worms); Recreational Vehicles Editor Jack Seville (tells how to ready your RV for the summer season); Boats Editor Zack Taylor (tells where to write for an abundance of inexpensive boating literature); Saltwater Editor Tom Paugh (discusses the best live baits for saltwater species and how to use them); Shooting Editor Grits Gresham (explores why many gunners are again using paper shotshells, softer shot and other old-time shotshell ideas); Gundogs Editor Jerome B. Robinson (on the importance of summertime conditioning of your hunting dog) Travel Afield – Five Favorite Fishing Vacations (Travel Editor Robert O’Byrne examines salmon fishing in Scotland, wilderness camping and fishing in Maine, trout fishing in Colorado, plus horseback and canoe adventure trips that the whole family will enjoy)

Issue:  June 1975

Condition:  Very Good