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Sports Afield Magazine 1975 July


Sports Afield Magazine 1975 July


Contents:  The Summer Troublemakers – Quicksand: Nature’s Deadly Mantrap (A look at how quicksand works and what you should do if you ever get caught in it); Today’s Snakebite First Aid – Cutting Is Out (After treating 118 cases, Texas doctor says old-fashioned first aid an be worse than the bite. Here are the best methods); The Stinging Insects That Can Be More Deadly Than Snakes (Bees, hornets and wasps can kill you. Here’s how to identify them and what you should do if you’re stung); Insect Repellents: Which Ones Work And Why (An indepth discussion of modern insect repellents, with charts indicating the best available); The Vitamin That Keeps Bugs Away (Can common Vitamin B-1 repel insects? You’ll believe it when you discover the facts); The Real Facts About Lightning (What you don’t know about lightning can kill you. This advice should be read by all outdoorsmen); All Those Pretty Green Plants That Give You Fits (The most effective modern treatments to combat the intense misery caused by poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac); The Wrong Sunglasses Can Be More Than A Headache (How to pick the best pair of sunglasses and what the various types are used for); How To Cope With Sunburn, Sunstroke And Other Miseries (Don’t take the sun lightly – it can burn and even kill you. This expert advice will save you from a lot of unnecessary pain and agony); Medical Summary (Concise information on what to do for powerful sun-related ailments) Fishing – The Man Who Invented Structure Bass Fishing (A profile of Sam Welch and his deepwater fishing methods); The Wild Trout Kingdom That Belongs To Canoeists (Exploring British Columbia’s Bowron Lakes Park by canoe for a vivid look at Nature’s best); Can You Look Like A Fish? (A quiz that checks your knowledge of how and why a fish behaves as they do); White Bass Magic (Try these unusual tactics and tackle for heavy stringers of whites and white bass hybrids anywhere the year around); Smallmouths, More Summer Bounce To The Ounce (Why you should try fly-rodding for bass when rivers warm up in the summertime); Anytime Is The Best Time For White River Rainbows (Float fishing Arkansas’s White River where the trout hit all year around); Texas Is Stocking Exotic Fish – And Thinking Big (Species imported from other states and countries, and fish moved from salt to fresh water, will bolster the state’s already outstanding sportfishing) Hunting – Guns On Planes: Important New Rules (Amendments to the Federal Aviation Regulations governing carrying arms on airplanes); Deer Hunting Today With Yesterday’s “Hawken” (Try black-powder shooting for a taste of hunting as it was to the pioneers); Don’t Let Them Poison The Sport (Expert bowhunter Keith Schuyler twlls why arrows with poison pods should not be used in the taking of big game); Autumn Acrobat (A study of woodcocks tells you where and when to find them. Plus fine paintings by Ripley and Goodwin); Guns Or Crime: There Is A Vast Difference (Are antigun laws aimed at the wrong people? Maybe so) Outdoor-Living Information – Wordsmith Puzzle On Deer Hunting (Test your knowledge of hunting vernacular with this puzzle); The Most Beautiful Campsites In The Eastern U.S. (Island camping and great fishing in Lake George); Greatest Travel Bargain In The World (Puerto Rico’s Boqueron Vacation Village – a fishing paradise that everyone can afford); Sportsman’s Quiz (A test of your outdoor knowledge); One Man Cartop Boat Loading (Easy methods of loading and tying a light boat on top of your car); Sportsman’s Information Page (Where to get items of interest to all outdoorsmen); Build Your Own Dog Ramp (An easy-to-build ramp for getting gundogs back into a duckboat after a retrieve); It Cost A Canoe To Meet The Peshtigo (This river can seem friendly enough, but it can turn on you at any time) Travel Afield – Travel Notes (Travel Editor Robert O’Byrne tells where to get handy travel literature; exlores freshwater fishing in Florida; remote,fly-in fishing in Canada, and offers advice all travelers will benefit from) Tail Feathers – Gene Hill (looks at one of the mysteries of shotgunning – the eternal problem of why we never have exactly the right size shot. And, further, is there really a possibility that the day will come when the right gun, with the right choke and the perfect shell all happen at the same time?) Report Afield – Police “Can’t Protect You,” Citizens Need Guns – Davis (Los Angeles police chief says private citizens have to own guns to protect themselves); Miami Bluefish Are Biting People – Again (Big blues attack swimmers off of Miami Beach); My Wife And I Died Of Thirst, But We Had A Good Time (A new game that is based on outdoor survival) Editor’s Reports – Boats Editor Zack Taylor (offers suggestions on how to avoid the problems of rocks when boating); Recreational Vehicles Editor Jack Seville (discusses safe ways to mount gear on the outside of your motorhome or camper); Angling Editor Homer Circle (tells why it takes more than a jerk to set the hook in fish); Shooting Editor Grits Gresham (gives an update on steel shot and lead poisoning to waterfowl); Saltwater Editor Tom Paugh (looks at the different types of gaffs and tells how to use them); Gundogs Editor Jerome B. Robinson (on the importance of training a dog to be staunch and steady to wing and shot) Almanac – Tips, skills, wildlife facts, curiosities, recipes, do-it-yourself ourdoor ideas that are informative, fun and will save you money)

Issue:  July 1975

Condition:  Very Good