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Sports Afield Magazine 1974 November


Sports Afield Magazine 1974 November


Contents:  Special Deer-Hunting Section – Guide To Shotgunning For Deer: From Tracking To Tanning (Information every hunter can use to bag a Buck this fall), Find What They Like To Eat And You’ll Find Deer (How to locate and identify the foods most preferred by Deer), How To Make Field Dressing Quick And Easy (A step-by-step guide that simplifies this hunting chore), How To Rattle Up A Buck (An expert’s secrets on this little-known, deer-getting method), How To Beat The High Price Of Butchering – And Get Better Meat In The Bargain (All you need to know about preparing your Deer for the freezer) Hunting – Woodman’s Way For Elk (A practical guide for backpacking for Elk), Quail Hunting As It Really Is (A humorous, yet all too true view of gunning for Bobwhite), What Duck Is That? (This quiz for Duck hunters will test the best), Pick The Goose You Want (Where you can gun for several species of Geese all in one day), Silhouette Decoys For About 50 Cents Each (How to make and use Dove, Goose, Pigeon and Duck decoys) Fishing – For Winter Bass Bait Is Better (Sound advice on the best baits, tackle and procedures), Super Systems For Winter Trout (Rigs and methods that make cold-weather fishing fast and fun), Why Spinners Catch More Fish (The art of successful spinner fishing explained) Special Features – The Sports Afield Almanac (A monthly roundup of fun, news and how-to), Sports Afield Travel Guide (Mexico – sportsman’s land of opportunity – Part Two), Tail Feathers Questions And Answers – Shooting, Boating, Letters, Sportsman’s Information Page, Sportsman’s Quiz

Issue:  November 1974

Condition:  Very Good