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Sports Afield Magazine 1972 March


Sports Afield Magazine 1972 March


Contents:  Bonus Camping Section – Backpack For Wilderness Trout (Take the trails that lead to ideal fishing), Plan Ahead (Where-to-go information to answer your camping questions), Exploring The West By Trailer (Trailering makes you feel at home while travelling afield), How To Pick The Rec Vehicle That Suits Your Sport (Choose the RV that is designed to fill your special needs), White-Water Route To The Wilderness (Rafting through the rapids takes you to fishing adventure), The Unstoppable Tent Trailer (A compact camping unit equipped with all the essentials), Tent Talk (Some observations on the many faces of the tent), The Latest Gear For Smoother Camping (Including gadgets you may have never even dreamed about), Sleeping Bag Savvy (All about sleeping bags – from A to Zzzz) Hunting – Those Killer Tramp Tigers (Cunning and strength mark a tiger as formidable quarry), Tune-Up Targets For Big Game (To be an expert big game hunter, first zero in on varmints), Ringneck Comeback On The Prairies (The excitement of Pheasant hunting, artfully portrayed) Fishing – Steelhead Riot (Michigan waters now yield a Steelhead bonanza), Plain Talk About Bass (A down-to-earth discussion on what Bass fishing is all about), The Truth About Hatchery Trout (Misconceptions about hatchery-reared Trout are laid to rest), New Ways For Walleyes (Brand-new methods disclose how to deal with the wary Walleye), Fishing In The Land Of Fire (The flavor of Trout fishing set in a wild land) Special Features – Witness To Outrage (This river is waiting to die), Snappers Are The Answer (Don’t mock the Turtle – catch him and cook up a stew), Wonderland (Yellowstone Park, an awesome heritage, enriching all visitors), Making Camp With No-Sweat Saws (To a chain saw add a few trees and presto – you’ve made camp) Editors’ Reports – Adventures In Editing, Firearms With A Flourish, April Bass – Weather Or Not, Springtime Is Shad Time, The Wankels Are Coming, 1972 All-America Skeet Team, The Mating Game Questions And Answers – Shooting, Angling, Salt Water, Boating, Dogs, Letters, Sportsman’s Information Page, Sportsman’s Quiz, Where-To-Go Guide, Tail Feathers

Issue:  March 1972

Condition:  Very Good