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Sports Afield Magazine 1972 June


Sports Afield Magazine 1972 June


Contents:  Special Bass Section – The Strange And Very Exact Art Of Plastic-Worm Fishing (How to communicate with moody Bass through plastic worms), Top-Water Tactics That Taunt Bass (Learn the art of tantalizing Bass with lively surface lures), The Life And Death Of A Bass (A pictorial dramatization tracing the life cycle of the Bass), New England Smallmouths (Discover the Smallmouth paadise that native fishermen ignore), The Mysterious Bass Eden Where Nature Took A Turn (The amazing story of Lake Marion, haven for two kinds of Bass), Big-Sky Bass (Be prepared – Montana Bass behave in the strangest ways), Where The Hogs Hide (Identify big-Bass hideouts using this illustrated guide), Bass Bugging’s Deadliest Art (Get hooked on mini-bugs and see how your Bass fishing improves) Hunting – This Confounded Coyote-Calling Controversy (A sportsman expounds on the ethics of modern predator calling), The Super Marksmen And Their Secrets (The history of exhibition shootin and how to be a pro today) Special Features – Witness To Outrage (They will soar no more), The Sports Afield Almanac (A monthly roundup of news and how-to), Print Your Own Trophy (Step-by-step directions for preserving a fish on paper), Killer From The Clouds (A report on lightning that reveals some surprising facts) Editors Reports – Adventures In Editing, Black-Powder Blitz, A Packtrain Primer, How To Join The Record Rush, Are You Baffled By Bass Boats?, Rookie Of The Year Awards, Lifetime Dog Crate Questions And Answers – Shooting, Camping, Saltwater, Boating, Dogs, Letters, Sportsman’s Quiz, Sportsman’s Information Page, Where-To-Go Guide, Tail Feathers

Issue:  June 1972

Condition:  Very Good